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Thanatos by Agugn Prabowo

Thanatos by Agugn Prabowo


While many civilizations have invented a mythology to find their place in the world, the Greeks had the most diverse. Before the great Zeus and the other Olympians take the stage, the universe had to be formed. That’s the work of the primordial gods, who are the subjects of our first collection on Greek mythology.  Knowledge about the primordials comes from Hesiod’s poem, the Theogony (circa 700 B.C.).


In the beginning, Hesiod says, there was Chaos, vast and dark space. Out of the nothingness came Gaia (Earth), Tarturus (the Underworld) and Eros (Love). Through various marriages and liaisons, they gave birth to the gods of the natural world. Their offspring would be the Titans, and the Titans, in turn, would bear the Olympians. What starts with the primordials is a story of often violent conflict for three generations. 



  • Series title: Mythos
  • Series size: 16 artworks
  • Edition: Limited edition of 100
  • Proof of Ownership: Certification on the Ethereum blockchain under the ERC1155 protocol. Each artwork is delivered privately and directly to collectors as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that guarrante proof of ownership.
  • Format: Pieces consist of PNG  files sized 2160x2160 pixels - 150 dpi
  • Medium: hand made lino cut printing
  • Artwork materials:  rubber, organic hand made paper, hand made paint
  • Contract Address: 0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e
  • ID: 2749212597480566...



Agung Prabowo, better known by his moniker, AGUGN, was born in 1985 in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. He studied Graphic Arts at FSRD ITB (2005-2010). Most of the elements in his work are derived from nature, and from ancient and primitive Indonesian culture, along with a twist of personal experience. Fears, insecurities and anxieties in the human experience, seen from a psychoanalytical perspective, often inspire him to create. He currently lives and works in Tegallalang, Bali, Indonesia.



With your purchase of this contemporary art collection you will receive the following rewards:

  • A free access card to over 100 of the world’s top museums for one year. Along with free access, holders can also skip the lines that often go with visits to the most popular museums. The ultimate convenience for art lovers everywhere.
  • A hardcover edition of “The Future of the Past,” an anthology of HARI - Historical Art Research Institute’s 2022 Collections.



Deborah Beck has won various awards for both teaching and research, including a prize for Excellence in Faculty Teaching from the Gamma Sigma chapter of the national Classics undergraduate honors society Eta Sigma Phi (2019) and two Plumer Visiting Research Fellowships at St Anne’s College, Oxford (2017 and 2019).  Her main research interest is ancient Greek and Roman epic poetry, especially Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. She is the author of two books on Homeric epic, Homeric Conversation (Harvard, 2005) and Speech Presentation in Homeric Epic (UT Austin, 2012).



  • Concept: HARI - Historical Art Research Institute (HARI Editions)
  • Production: HARI - Historical Art Research Institute (HARI Editions)
  • Creative direction: Victor Zabrockis & Marie-Lou Desmeules
  • Artwork: Agugn Prabowo
  • Editorial: Braden Phillips
  • Executive production: Victor Zabrockis



  • Source of artwork: Original artwork by artist commissioned by HARI Editions
  • Underlying work rights: All rights reserved ©2022 HARI - Historical Art Research Institute (HARI Editions)
  • Digital copyrights: All rights reserved ©2022 HARI - Historical Art Research Institute (HARI Editions)

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