Ruth Stonehouse by Movie Souvenir Card Co.
Produced by M.J. Moriarity Playing Cards of Cincinnati, Ohio, each deck of its “Movie Souvenir Playing Cards” contained 53 cards, including Charlie Chaplin, fittingly chosen as the joker. A 54th card described the collection, calling it “the greatest novelty ever made in Souvenir Playing Cards,” with “everyone a favorite of yours,” although many of those favorites, both actors and actresses, are forgotten today. Subsequent editions featured new cards over the next three or four years, before publication stopped. Many big names of the silent era like Rudolph Valentino, Clara Bow and Greta Garbo don’t appear in any version because they hadn’t achieved stardom yet. The reverse of each card was the same colorful scene from “The Chariot Race,” a painting by Alexander von Wagner
- Series title: Movie Souvenir Card Co.
- Series size: 8 artworks
- Edition: Limited edition of 1000
- Proof of Ownership: Certification on the Ethereum blockchain under the ERC1155 protocol. Each artwork is delivered privately and directly to collectors as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that guarrante proof of ownership.
- Format: Pieces consist of PNG files sized 2160x3840 pixels - 150 dpi.
- Medium: Photography, illustration
- Artwork materials: Photographic paper, illustration paper
- Contract Address: 0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e
- ID: 2749212597480566...
Each desk contains halftone photographs of silent film stars, probably provided by studio publicity departments. Halftone image making and printing became a popular reproduction process for the mass production of photographic images in newspapers and books at the time, but did not attract much attention from the photographic art community, which favored the photogravure and collotype printing processes.
- Historical curatorship: HARI - Historical Art Research Institute (HARI Editions)
- Artwork: Movie Souvenir Card Co.
- Year of original pulbication: 1916
- Post-production: HARI - Historical Art Research Institute (HARI Editions)
- Digital art supervisor: Marie-Lou Desmeules
- Editorial: Braden Phillips
- Historical research: Evangelos Rosios, Braden Phillips
- Executive production: Victor Zabrockis
- Source of artwork: Wikimedia Commons
- Underlying work rights: PD Worldwide
- Digital copyrights: PD Wikimedia